3831 Hughes Ave. Suite 702 • Culver City, CA 90232
Call now to book your consultation 310-837-3834
Our Surgeon are Board Certified
and fellowship trained
historic CULVER CITY, which has a rich history of
housing some of the most famous Hollywood studios.
Culver City Surgical Specialists is a free standing ambulatory surgery center that is Medicare approved and is accredited by the Joint Commission. The Joint Commission Certification is the highest level of accreditation for ambulatory surgery centers. This accreditation requires us to maintain the highest standard of cleanliness and patient care far exceeding many other facilities in the area that use other accreditation services. We pride ourselves on our ability to keep patient care our number one priority.
As you age, the pelvic muscles that control your urinary flow tend to weaken. The two primary muscles used to control the bladder are the sphincter and the detrusor. As long as the pressure between these muscles remains the same, you remain continent. However, should you begin to lose control of your sphincter muscle, you may begin to experience stress urinary incontinence (SUI), a condition we’re able to treat here at the Culver City Surgical Specialists.
SUI can occur during any activity that places stress on the bladder, including:
It’s quite common for this condition to go undiagnosed because patients are often embarrassed to admit such a problem to their doctors. Should you suffer from this condition, you’ll be pleased to know that treatment involves a simple minimally-invasive procedure known as a bladder sling insertion.
Endometriosis is one of the most common chronic conditions women suffer from and can be treated at Culver City Surgical Specialists by one of our board certified specialists. This condition occurs when uterine cells grow outside of the actual uterus along the walls of other organs of the reproductive system. Not only can endometriosis cause excess pain and swelling during your menstrual cycle, it can also create scar tissue that causes the reproductive organs to bind together.
Endometriosis affects approximately 10 percent of women during their childbearing years. While no preventative cure for endometriosis currently exists, the surgeons here at Culver City Surgical Specialists are able to treat it through a procedure known as an endometriosis resection.
Vaginal wall prolapse describes the sinking or bulging of the vaginal wall that occurs as a result of the bladder or urethra sinking into the vagina. If you experience recurring urinary tract infections, increased urinary frequency, or pain or pressure in your vaginal area while urinating or during intercourse, these may be signs of a vaginal wall prolapse. Luckily, the surgeons here at Culver City Surgical Specialists are here to help. An anterior vaginal wall repair is the procedure most commonly used to treat a vaginal wall prolapse. The end result of this surgery is tightening of the vaginal wall itself while relieving patients of the negative side effects.
Myomectomy is a gynecological procedure which is preformed to surgically remove uterine fibroids. A uterine fibroid is a non-cancerous tumor which grows on the uterus wall and causes abnormal pain and bleeding. Small fibroids may be removed laparoscopically without the need for a total or partial hysterectomy (removal of uterus). Besides eliminating excessive bleeding and pain, the presence of fibroids can also cause infertility issues. In many cases, removal of such fibroids can help increase the chance of fertility. Consult a board certified gynecologist at Culver City Surgical Specialists for more information.
Here at the Culver City Surgical Specialists, we treat retroceles through a form of retrocele repair surgery known as a posterior wall repair. Retrocele repair surgery is requires when the rectum area bulges into your vagina causing negative side effects. Women put their bodies through quite a lot during the course of their lifetime. Over time, certain physical stresses can cause your organ systems to deteriorate. Reproductive organs are especially susceptible to deterioration. This condition can be caused by stress of childbirth, heavy lifting, and or repeated bouts of constipation. Posterior wall repair strengthen the damaged tissues of your rectum, restoring your rectum to its original position. For more information contact Culver City Surgical Specialists.
Menorrhagia is used to describe periods of prolonged menstrual bleeding. It can be caused by a hormonal imbalance, fibroid tumors, or polyps, or it can occur as side effect of uterine or endometrial cancer. Whatever the cause, if left unchecked, menorrhagia can become so severe that women actually develop anemia. Fortunately, we here at the Culver City Surgical Specialists can offer you surgical treatment options for the treatment of excessive menstrual bleeding. This procedure permanently removes the tissue layer lining the uterus, or the endometrium. Typically, this is reserved for those women who’ve passed their childbearing years but still want a surgical alternative to a hysterectomy.
At Culver City Surgery Specialists, we have board certified specialists who offer balloon sinuplasty as an alternative to sinus surgery to help victims of sinusitis. Like traditional sinus surgery, this procedure widens the sinus passageways to facilitate drainage. However, balloon sinuplasty does not involve the removal of any tissue or bone. A balloon sinuplasty can relieve bothersome sinusitis symptoms, including pain, pressure, and issues with breathing, smelling, or tasting. We may recommend this procedure to people who suffer from chronic sinusitis or repeated sinus infections. Call Culver City Surgical Specialists to learn more if this procedure is right for you.
Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that reshapes the nose. Many people view rhinoplasty as a purely cosmetic procedure, and it is true that rhinoplasty can be highly effective in correcting flaws or balancing out your facial appearance. However, rhinoplasty also offers medical benefits, such as improving airflow. At Culver City Surgical Specialists we perform rhinoplasty for either purpose.
Our surgeons use advanced techniques which make rhinoplasty surgery more effective and less invasive than many techniques of the past. These new surgical techniques allow our patients to enjoy highly functional and attractive final results.
Septoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct the alignment of the septum, which is the tissue and bone that divides the nasal cavities. A septoplasty at Culver City Surgical Specialists can restore the normal positioning of your septum. If your septum has been displaced, you may experience difficulty breathing and other issues, such as enlargement of your nasal turbinate. The external appearance of your nose can also be affected by a deviated septum. A septoplasty can improve airflow, and when performed with a rhinoplasty, it can help correct aesthetic imperfections. Contact our surgical coordinator at Culver City Surgical Specialists to learn more.
The Culver City Surgical Specialists takes a minimally invasive approach to relieving chronic pain. Our first-class specialists are carefully selected based on their experience, outcomes, and compassion. We use the latest technology to treat your pain and to get you back to your life as soon as possible. Our surgeons use effective approaches such as radiofrequency ablation to solve your problem without putting you through extensive surgical procedures.
Chronic pain is caused by a wide range of injuries. It only takes a small interruption to the body’s complex systems in order to face lasting pain. For many, this pain does not heal on its own. Constant, extreme pain takes over the lives of its victims. It causes withdrawal from friends and family, depression, anxiety, stress, and a decreased ability to control emotions. Nearly 90 million people experience chronic pain in the United States. Some of the most common types of chronic pain are:
Neck pain
Joint pain
Our team of specialists know how to treat your pain because they spend their careers helping people like you. The pain management specialists at Culver City Surgical Specialists perform radiofrequency ablations to relieve chronic neck and back pain. Radiofrequency Ablation also known as a rhizotomy, effectively relieves chronic back pain and muscle spasms by blocking nerve communication to the brain. When nerves are sending uncontrolled pain messages to the brain, interrupting the communication network effectively works to relieve pain. The results are semi-permanent, lasting up to three years. This minimally invasive procedure uses advanced C-arm imaging to help physicians’ targets problematic nerves with radiofrequency in order to interrupt communication to the brain. Once our pain specialists interrupt the diseased nerve’s ability to communicate, they stop the pain signals.
While there are many treatable causes of neck and back pain, some of the more common conditions radiofrequency ablation is used for are:
Post-surgical pain
Herniated disc
Back injury
Epidural Injections are an effective short-term treatment for back and neck pain. The medication reduces inflammation in the area between the vertebrae and the spinal cord, which reduces the pressure on nerves. These injections can be most effectively when done in a series, however, our specialists determine the number of injections needed on a case by case level. Contact us to find out how to set up a consultation with our pain management specialists.
At Culver City Surgical Specialists we are dedicated to helping you live a long and healthy life. To do this, one of the procedures we perform is a colonoscopy. This procedure helps doctors locate areas of inflammation, bleeding, as well as colon polyps and ulcers. We can also collect tissue samples and remove abnormal growths. Colonoscopies allow the doctor to see the inner lining of these organs and to take pictures of the lower GI tract.
For patients over the age of 50 colonoscopies are an important preventative procedure to screen for cancer and tumors. Insurance coverage for colonoscopy screening varies based on individual plans. Contact us at Culver City surgical to find out more.
Black stools An Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), also known as an EGD, is a procedure that is performed in order to examine the upper GI tract. The upper GI tract includes the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach and duodenum.
Using a small tube called an endoscope, our team can find abnormal growths, inflammation and sites of bleeding. We can also remove polyps. This procedure shows us more than an x-ray and can eliminate the need for further exploratory surgery. EGD’s are medically necessary to diagnose or rule out the following symptoms and conditions when conservative care methods are unsuccessful:
Vomiting blood
Bringing food back up (regurgitation)
Feeling full sooner than normal or after eating less than usual
Feeling like food is stuck behind the breastbone
Low blood count (anemia) that cannot be explained
Pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen
Swallowing problems or pain with swallowing
Weight loss that cannot be explained
Nausea or vomiting that does not go away
The physiological arrangement of ankle and foot bones, supported by muscles and ligaments, provide the foundation that will hold a person’s entire body weight. When functioning correctly, they allow people to run, jump, stand and walk, without giving a second thought to the ankle’s intricate framework. When trauma, injuries or fractures occur, people can experience significant pain that may hinder their ability to walk altogether. Culver City Surgical Specialists specializes in podiatric solutions that can help rebuild fractured bones and torn ligaments.
There are a variety of ways that a patient may fracture their ankle bones such as impact from an accident, sports injury rolling or twisting the ankle or tripping and falling. When patients experience any trauma to the ankle the patient may develop immediate swelling, bruising and pain following an ankle fracture or other trauma. In some cases, the ankle may visually appear to be twisted or dislocated. In these situations patients must consult an ankle specialists to diagnose and treat such injuries. To find out more about our surgeons contact Culver City Surgical Specialists.
Bunions can be found on the big toe joint and involve a painful bony bump that extends beyond the foot. This protrusion is often progressive and may begin to push the big toe inward, making it hard to wear shoes without significant discomfort. Luckily, our surgical professionals at Culver City Surgical Specialists specialize in bunion removal, or bunionectomy.
The cause of this common condition can stem from hereditary factors, such as abnormal foot bones, which may result in an irregular walking pattern. An excessive amount of weight placed on the big toe may also create a bunion. Also, women who wear tight, high heel shoes are also at a higher risk of developing this bony bump. To learn more about this procedure contact our board certified podiatrists at Culver City Surgical Specialists.
A Hammer Toe Treatment occurs when an imbalance between the muscles and tendons of the toe causes the digit to bend into a claw-like position. While this most often occurs in the second toe, Hammer Toe Treatment can develop in any of the smaller toes as well.
This painful condition can be exacerbated by wearing tight shoes or high heels. It is crucial that people experiencing Hammer Toe Treatment visit our skilled surgeons at Culver City Surgical Specialists before the problem worsens.
People who suffer from an aching or stabbing pain in the arch and heel area of their foot may have plantar fasciitis. This debilitating condition involves significant inflammation of the ligament connecting the heel bone to the toes. Although plantar fasciitis may prevent people from participating in sports and other activities, Culver City Surgical Specialists has a solution that will get them back on their feet in no time.
Straining the ligament that supports the arch of the foot is more likely to occur if:
You wear non-supportive shoes on a regular basis
You are overweight
For more information about this procedure
For more information about this procedure
For more information about this procedure
For more information about this procedure
For more information about this procedure
As you age, the pelvic muscles that control your urinary flow tend to weaken. The two primary muscles used to control the bladder are the sphincter and the detrusor. As long as the pressure between these muscles remains the same, you remain continent. However, should you begin to lose control of your sphincter muscle, you may begin to experience stress urinary incontinence (SUI), a condition we’re able to treat here at the Culver City Surgical Specialists.
SUI can occur during any activity that places stress on the bladder, including:
It’s quite common for this condition to go undiagnosed because patients are often embarrassed to admit such a problem to their doctors. Should you suffer from this condition, you’ll be pleased to know that treatment involves a simple minimally-invasive procedure known as a bladder sling insertion.
Endometriosis is one of the most common chronic conditions women suffer from and can be treated at Culver City Surgical Specialists by one of our board certified specialists. This condition occurs when uterine cells grow outside of the actual uterus along the walls of other organs of the reproductive system. Not only can endometriosis cause excess pain and swelling during your menstrual cycle, it can also create scar tissue that causes the reproductive organs to bind together.
Endometriosis affects approximately 10 percent of women during their childbearing years. While no preventative cure for endometriosis currently exists, the surgeons here at Culver City Surgical Specialists are able to treat it through a procedure known as an endometriosis resection.
Vaginal wall prolapse describes the sinking or bulging of the vaginal wall that occurs as a result of the bladder or urethra sinking into the vagina. If you experience recurring urinary tract infections, increased urinary frequency, or pain or pressure in your vaginal area while urinating or during intercourse, these may be signs of a vaginal wall prolapse. Luckily, the surgeons here at Culver City Surgical Specialists are here to help. An anterior vaginal wall repair is the procedure most commonly used to treat a vaginal wall prolapse. The end result of this surgery is tightening of the vaginal wall itself while relieving patients of the negative side effects.
Myomectomy is a gynecological procedure which is preformed to surgically remove uterine fibroids. A uterine fibroid is a non-cancerous tumor which grows on the uterus wall and causes abnormal pain and bleeding. Small fibroids may be removed laparoscopically without the need for a total or partial hysterectomy (removal of uterus). Besides eliminating excessive bleeding and pain, the presence of fibroids can also cause infertility issues. In many cases, removal of such fibroids can help increase the chance of fertility. Consult a board certified gynecologist at Culver City Surgical Specialists for more information.
Here at the Culver City Surgical Specialists, we treat retroceles through a form of retrocele repair surgery known as a posterior wall repair. Retrocele repair surgery is requires when the rectum area bulges into your vagina causing negative side effects. Women put their bodies through quite a lot during the course of their lifetime. Over time, certain physical stresses can cause your organ systems to deteriorate. Reproductive organs are especially susceptible to deterioration. This condition can be caused by stress of childbirth, heavy lifting, and or repeated bouts of constipation. Posterior wall repair strengthen the damaged tissues of your rectum, restoring your rectum to its original position. For more information contact Culver City Surgical Specialists.
Menorrhagia is used to describe periods of prolonged menstrual bleeding. It can be caused by a hormonal imbalance, fibroid tumors, or polyps, or it can occur as side effect of uterine or endometrial cancer. Whatever the cause, if left unchecked, menorrhagia can become so severe that women actually develop anemia. Fortunately, we here at the Culver City Surgical Specialists can offer you surgical treatment options for the treatment of excessive menstrual bleeding. This procedure permanently removes the tissue layer lining the uterus, or the endometrium. Typically, this is reserved for those women who’ve passed their childbearing years but still want a surgical alternative to a hysterectomy.
At Culver City Surgery Specialists, we have board certified specialists who offer balloon sinuplasty as an alternative to sinus surgery to help victims of sinusitis. Like traditional sinus surgery, this procedure widens the sinus passageways to facilitate drainage. However, balloon sinuplasty does not involve the removal of any tissue or bone. A balloon sinuplasty can relieve bothersome sinusitis symptoms, including pain, pressure, and issues with breathing, smelling, or tasting. We may recommend this procedure to people who suffer from chronic sinusitis or repeated sinus infections. Call Culver City Surgical Specialists to learn more if this procedure is right for you.
Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that reshapes the nose. Many people view rhinoplasty as a purely cosmetic procedure, and it is true that rhinoplasty can be highly effective in correcting flaws or balancing out your facial appearance. However, rhinoplasty also offers medical benefits, such as improving airflow. At Culver City Surgical Specialists we perform rhinoplasty for either purpose.
Our surgeons use advanced techniques which make rhinoplasty surgery more effective and less invasive than many techniques of the past. These new surgical techniques allow our patients to enjoy highly functional and attractive final results.
Septoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct the alignment of the septum, which is the tissue and bone that divides the nasal cavities. A septoplasty at Culver City Surgical Specialists can restore the normal positioning of your septum. If your septum has been displaced, you may experience difficulty breathing and other issues, such as enlargement of your nasal turbinate. The external appearance of your nose can also be affected by a deviated septum. A septoplasty can improve airflow, and when performed with a rhinoplasty, it can help correct aesthetic imperfections. Contact our surgical coordinator at Culver City Surgical Specialists to learn more.
The Culver City Surgical Specialists takes a minimally invasive approach to relieving chronic pain. Our first-class specialists are carefully selected based on their experience, outcomes, and compassion. We use the latest technology to treat your pain and to get you back to your life as soon as possible. Our surgeons use effective approaches such as radiofrequency ablation to solve your problem without putting you through extensive surgical procedures.
Chronic pain is caused by a wide range of injuries. It only takes a small interruption to the body’s complex systems in order to face lasting pain. For many, this pain does not heal on its own. Constant, extreme pain takes over the lives of its victims. It causes withdrawal from friends and family, depression, anxiety, stress, and a decreased ability to control emotions. Nearly 90 million people experience chronic pain in the United States. Some of the most common types of chronic pain are:
Neck pain
Joint pain
Our team of specialists know how to treat your pain because they spend their careers helping people like you. The pain management specialists at Culver City Surgical Specialists perform radiofrequency ablations to relieve chronic neck and back pain. Radiofrequency Ablation also known as a rhizotomy, effectively relieves chronic back pain and muscle spasms by blocking nerve communication to the brain. When nerves are sending uncontrolled pain messages to the brain, interrupting the communication network effectively works to relieve pain. The results are semi-permanent, lasting up to three years. This minimally invasive procedure uses advanced C-arm imaging to help physicians’ targets problematic nerves with radiofrequency in order to interrupt communication to the brain. Once our pain specialists interrupt the diseased nerve’s ability to communicate, they stop the pain signals.
While there are many treatable causes of neck and back pain, some of the more common conditions radiofrequency ablation is used for are:
Post-surgical pain
Herniated disc
Back injury
Myomectomy is a gynecological procedure which is preformed to surgically remove uterine fibroids. A uterine fibroid is a . Some of the most common types of chronic pain are:
Neck pain
Joint pain
Epidural Injections are an effective short-term treatment for back and neck pain. The medication reduces inflammation in the area between the vertebrae and the spinal cord, which reduces the pressure on nerves. These injections can be most effectively when done in a series, however, our specialists determine the number of injections needed on a case by case level. Contact us to find out how to set up a consultation with our pain management specialists.
At Culver City Surgical Specialists we are dedicated to helping you live a long and healthy life. To do this, one of the procedures we perform is a colonoscopy. This procedure helps doctors locate areas of inflammation, bleeding, as well as colon polyps and ulcers. We can also collect tissue samples and remove abnormal growths. Colonoscopies allow the doctor to see the inner lining of these organs and to take pictures of the lower GI tract.
For patients over the age of 50 colonoscopies are an important preventative procedure to screen for cancer and tumors. Insurance coverage for colonoscopy screening varies based on individual plans. Contact us at Culver City surgical to find out more.
Black stools An Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), also known as an EGD, is a procedure that is performed in order to examine the upper GI tract. The upper GI tract includes the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach and duodenum.
Using a small tube called an endoscope, our team can find abnormal growths, inflammation and sites of bleeding. We can also remove polyps. This procedure shows us more than an x-ray and can eliminate the need for further exploratory surgery. EGD’s are medically necessary to diagnose or rule out the following symptoms and conditions when conservative care methods are unsuccessful:
Vomiting blood
Bringing food back up (regurgitation)
Feeling full sooner than normal or after eating less than usual
Feeling like food is stuck behind the breastbone
Low blood count (anemia) that cannot be explained
Pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen
Swallowing problems or pain with swallowing
Weight loss that cannot be explained
Nausea or vomiting that does not go away
The physiological arrangement of ankle and foot bones, supported by muscles and ligaments, provide the foundation that will hold a person’s entire body weight. When functioning correctly, they allow people to run, jump, stand and walk, without giving a second thought to the ankle’s intricate framework. When trauma, injuries or fractures occur, people can experience significant pain that may hinder their ability to walk altogether. Culver City Surgical Specialists specializes in podiatric solutions that can help rebuild fractured bones and torn ligaments.
There are a variety of ways that a patient may fracture their ankle bones such as impact from an accident, sports injury rolling or twisting the ankle or tripping and falling. When patients experience any trauma to the ankle the patient may develop immediate swelling, bruising and pain following an ankle fracture or other trauma. In some cases, the ankle may visually appear to be twisted or dislocated. In these situations patients must consult an ankle specialists to diagnose and treat such injuries. To find out more about our surgeons contact Culver City Surgical Specialists.
Bunions can be found on the big toe joint and involve a painful bony bump that extends beyond the foot. This protrusion is often progressive and may begin to push the big toe inward, making it hard to wear shoes without significant discomfort. Luckily, our surgical professionals at Culver City Surgical Specialists specialize in bunion removal, or bunionectomy.
The cause of this common condition can stem from hereditary factors, such as abnormal foot bones, which may result in an irregular walking pattern. An excessive amount of weight placed on the big toe may also create a bunion. Also, women who wear tight, high heel shoes are also at a higher risk of developing this bony bump. To learn more about this procedure contact our board certified podiatrists at Culver City Surgical Specialists.
A Hammer Toe Treatment occurs when an imbalance between the muscles and tendons of the toe causes the digit to bend into a claw-like position. While this most often occurs in the second toe, Hammer Toe Treatment can develop in any of the smaller toes as well.
This painful condition can be exacerbated by wearing tight shoes or high heels. It is crucial that people experiencing Hammer Toe Treatment visit our skilled surgeons at Culver City Surgical Specialists before the problem worsens.
People who suffer from an aching or stabbing pain in the arch and heel area of their foot may have plantar fasciitis. This debilitating condition involves significant inflammation of the ligament connecting the heel bone to the toes. Although plantar fasciitis may prevent people from participating in sports and other activities, Culver City Surgical Specialists has a solution that will get them back on their feet in no time.
Straining the ligament that supports the arch of the foot is more likely to occur if:
You wear non-supportive shoes on a regular basis
You are overweight
All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician.